An American Story

The history of grilling at Kingsford is a classic American story. It all started in 1919 when Edward G. Kingsford helped Henry Ford procure a stretch of timberland to supply wood for his auto plants.

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Kingsford® Preserve the Pit

Kingsford remains committed to celebrating Black barbecue culture by launching the second year of Preserve the Pit and doubling the investment in aspiring barbecue professionals.

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American Pride

An American-made company founded over 100 years ago, Kingsford has a lot to be proud of. Our employees have been continuing the family tradition in backyards across the nation.

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The Kingsford Difference

Kingsford has been fueling legendary grills since 1920, and we’re still America’s #1 charcoal for good reason. Our briquets light faster, burn longer, and deliver the high heat you need for exceptional results. Whether you’re searing steaks or savoring smoky flavors, one thing’s for certain — nothing beats the original.

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How to Arrange Charcoal Before Grilling

Discover the best ways to grill and smoke using Kingsford® Charcoal Briquets. We’ll show you how much charcoal you should be using to achieve the right grilling temperature, and techniques to use for different types of food. It’s easy — just follow along.

What You’ll Need

Below is a list of items you may need, depending on the grilling method you choose.

Fuel and Tools

How Much Charcoal Should I Use?

  • The answer depends on what you’re cooking, how much you’re cooking and how hot you want your grill.
  • This chart is based on the size of a standard charcoal chimney, which holds about 100 charcoal briquets.
  • Keep in mind, the maximum temperature and length of the cook depend on how you spread out the coals: – If you spread the lit coals in a thin layer, across a larger area, temperatures will be lower and the heat will dissipate faster. – If your layer is deeper and the coals are more concentrated, temperatures will be higher and stay hot longer.

How Much Charcoal Should I Use?

Charcoal Usage:

450° TO 550°


350° TO 450°


250° TO 350°

1 Full Chimney

~100 charcoal briquets

1/2 Chimney

~50 charcoal briquets

1/4 Chimney

~25 charcoal briquets

4 Pounds

Charcoal Briquets arranged in a pile

2 Pounds

Charcoal Briquets arranged in a pile

1 Pound

Charcoal Briquets arranged in a pile

Exactly How Hot Are the Coals?

  • The most accurate way to gauge temperature is with a thermometer. But don’t worry, if your cooker doesn’t have one built in, you can use the hand test.

Exactly How Hot Are the Coals?

What Is the Best Way to Arrange the Coals for Cooking?

  • How to arrange charcoal depends on what you’re cooking. See the different methods below, and choose the one that works best for you!

What Is the Best Way to Arrange the Coals for Cooking?

Technique 1

Direct-Heat Grilling

  • Ideal for high-heat grilling and thin cuts of meat.
  • High heat: 450°F to 550°F.
  • Charcoal needed: 1 whole chimney, about 100 Kingsford® Charcoal Briquets, or light a pile of about 4 lb. of Kingsford® Charcoal Briquets.
  • Light the coals using the Chimney Method; Using Lighter Fluid; or using Match Light® Charcoal Briquets.
  • Once lit, use tongs or a metal spatula to spread the coals evenly across the surface to the lower grate. Unless cooking space is at a premium, it’s best to leave at least a small area with no coals to manage flare-ups and provide a cool zone. Flare-ups happen — don’t worry!
  • Once the coals reach high heat — 450°F to 550°F, you’re ready to grill!

Direct-Heat Grilling

Technique 2

Two-Zone Method

  • Your go-to configuration for almost everything! It’s ideal for steaks, chops, bone-in and boneless chicken cuts and seafood.
  • High heat: 450°F to 550°F.
  • Medium heat: 350°F to 450°F.
  • Charcoal needed: ½ to 1 whole chimney to start, about 50 to 100 Kingsford® Charcoal Briquets, or light a pile of 2 to 4 lb.of of Kingsford® Charcoal Briquets.
  • Light the coals using the Chimney Method; Using Lighter Fluid; or using Match Light® Charcoal Briquets.
  • Once lit, grab your tongs or metal spatula to spread the coals to cover half of the lower grate.
  • This void space, free of coals directly underneath the grates, is still hot. Food will cook there — just not as fast as on the direct side, right above the grate.
  • Use the hot side of your grill for direct cooking with high heat — for example, searing a steak for color, caramelization and grill marks. Use the other side for slow, indirect cooking and to let foods cook through after searing.
  • The coal-free side also serves as a flame-free zone to manage flare-ups. Flare-ups happen — don’t worry!
  • Once the coals reach your desired temp, you’re ready to grill.

Two-Zone Method

Technique 3

Two-Zone Fire: Parallel Configuration

  • Ideal for smoking and low-temp cooking for larger roasts, whole chickens and turkeys.
  • Low heat: 250°F to 350°F.
  • Charcoal needed: 1 whole chimney to start, about 100 Kingsford® Charcoal Briquets or 4 lb. of Kingsford® Charcoal Briquets arranged in a pile, additional coals will be needed later.
  • Light the coals using the Chimney Method; Using Lighter Fluid; or using Match Light® Charcoal Briquets.
  • Once lit, grab your tongs or a long-handled metal spatula to spread the coals along either side of the grill, leaving the center void of coals.
  • Place a foil roasting pan with hot water in this empty space to help regulate temp and add moisture to the grill.

Two-Zone Fire: Parallel Configuration

Technique 4

The Charcoal Snake

  • A popular method for long, slow smoking in a kettle grill.
  • Low heat: 225°F to 250°F.
  • Charcoal needed: 100 unlit Kingsford® Charcoal Briquets. 6 to 8 lit coals to start the snake. Additional coals will be needed later.
  • Lay out the unlit Kingsford® charcoal briquets in 2 rows along the outer edge of your grill ¾ of the way around. The 2 rows will form what looks like the letter C — or a snake — along the edge.
  • Simply fill the charcoal bed with unlit coals and add only a few lit coals to the very top.
  • The coals on top will slowly light those below them and burn down slowly over time.
  • When ready, pile the lit coals at the head of the charcoal snake. The coals will burn slowly down the line for hours.
  • Wait a few minutes, then add your meat for a long, slow smoke.
  • If you need more time, you can always add more Kingsford® Original Charcoal Briquets to the end of the snake.

The Charcoal Snake

Technique 5

The Burn-Down Method for Smokers

  • A great way to cook slow and low if you own a smoker.
  • Low heat: 225°F to 250°F.
  • Charcoal needed: fill your charcoal bed with unlit Kingsford® Charcoal Briquets. Add only a few lit coals to start the process.
  • Simply fill the charcoal bed with unlit coals and add only a few lit coals to the very top.
  • The coals on top will slowly light those below them and burn down slowly over time.

The Burn-Down Method for Smokers

Frequently Asked Questions