How to Put Out Charcoal After Grilling
It may be tempting to get things cleaned up quickly, but remember that you should never dispose of, or handle, used coals until they’re completely cooled. Here are some tips for handling charcoal and ash once you’re done grilling.

What You’ll Need
- Charcoal Grill Lid
- Heat-Resistant Grilling Gloves
- Spray Bottle with Water
- Aluminum Foil
- Non-Combustible Outdoor Trash Receptacle
How to Cool Your Coals
- To eliminate the possibility of accidental flare ups, always cool down used charcoal and ash. Here are a couple of common methods for extinguishing and cooling coals:
- Suffocate the fire for 2 full days. Simply close the side on your grill and shut the vents until the ash has completely cooled for at least 48 hours.
- Douse coals with water. By slowly pouring water over the charcoal and stirring, you can cool ash quickly and completely, eliminating the possibility of dormant embers reigniting. Be careful — make sure you pour the water slowly to avoid creating hot steam.
How to Cool Your Coals

How to Dispose of Used Charcoal and Ash
- Once your used charcoal and ash is completely cold, you can throw it away. We recommend thoroughly wrapping it in aluminum foil before tossing it into a non-combustible outdoor trash receptacle.
- Never compost or fertilize with old briquets. The ingredients in Kingsford® and Kingsford® Match Light® briquets don’t aid in the breakdown of organic matter.
How to Dispose of Used Charcoal and Ash

How to Reuse Partially Burned Coals
- If you’d like to reuse partially burned coals the next time you grill, don’t submerge them in water. Instead, follow these simple steps:
- Carefully spray down your coals with water to prevent further burning.
- Once completely cooled, simply allow the partially used coals to dry, and keep them in your grill for later use.
How to Reuse Partially Burned Coals